Municipal Court

Court Officials

Carol Fabietti

Gabrielle DeSorte

Public Defender
Gregory DeMichele, Esq.

Court Administrator
Adeline Khan

The Municipal Court/Violations Bureau handles all criminal complaints, ordinance violations and traffic tickets issued in the Township of Waterford. This includes complaints and tickets issued by Waterford Township Police, New Jersey State Police, New Jersey State Park Police, New Jersey Transit Police, Division of Fish and Game and Department of Weights and Measures. This office schedules cases for hearings, accepts bail and maintains records of criminal and traffic tickets for attorneys, defendants, residents and the general public.

Monday – Friday : 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

M, W, Th, F Closed for Lunch 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Tuesdays Closed for Lunch 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 


Phone: (856) 768 – 2300, Ext. 270
Fax: (856) 753 – 4336


Andrea Lanutti, Court Clerk: 


If you are scheduled for ZOOM Court, please review the following information:

  • Meeting ID: 207 505 1754
  • Passcode:  court
  • If you are dialing in on a telephone, dial 1-929-205-6099.
  • Meeting ID: 207 505 1754
  • Passcode: 498098

Request a Plea Offer from Prosecutor

Waterford Court Code: 0435

ALL payable offenses are now able to be disputed online without having to make a court appearance. To request a plea offer from the prosecutor for a ticket online:

  • Go to and enter your ticket information to search for your ticket (if you do not have your ticket information on hand, click here to perform a case serach to find your ticket information – you will still need to know your license plate #).
  • Then, select option to “Request a Plea Offer from the Prosecutor“. This will prompt you to create an eCourts log in.
  • Follow the proceeding instructions provided to continue to request a plea offer for the ticket.
  • Once logged into the Enterprise Portal you will select “Municipal Case Resolution” tile and click on the tile “Request Plea Offer from Prosecutor.” Then search for your ticket with the court code (0435), ticket prefix and ticket number. Once your ticket is found, select the “Plea Offer” button to begin submitting your request to the prosecutor.
    • If you have any documents/pictures you would like to submit to the prosecutor to view, you will submit them through the Municipal Case Resolution tile, NOT through the Evidence Submission tile.
  • More information on Requesting a Plea Offer from Prosecutor:

    – If the prosecutor agrees to recommend a lesser charge, you will receive an email from the court with the proposed lesser charge.
    – If you choose to plead guilty to the lesser charge, the judge will review the charge and your plea and decide whether to accept it.
    – If you choose not to plead guilty to the lesser charge, you can either:
            1. Ask for a court date to address the charge in court; or
            2. Plead guilty to the original charge and pay the fees online.

    You can only make one plea offer request for each ticket.

*If your offense is NOT a payable offense, please contact the court to enter a not guilty plea and provide your contact information (valid email address, phone number, mailing address).

  • Email:
  • Phone Number: 856-768-2300  EXT. 270

Court Schedule

The court schedule is subject to change. Please check on the Township Calendar to confirm dates

Pay Online

Click to access New Jersey Municipal Courts Direct – the fast, secure, convenient way to access your traffic ticket information online.


Every defendant has the right to be represented by an attorney. If a defendant feels that he or she cannot afford an attorney, a judge may  determine whether a public defender can be appointed. A defendant will need to  complete a Uniform  Defendant Intake, or “5A Form,” which is the application for a public defender. This form asks for information that will enable the judge to determine if the defendant meets the indigency standards to qualify. If you wish to apply for a public defender, you may complete the form and mail, fax or email the signed and dated form to the Court prior to your court date. There is a fee of up to $200 that the judge will assess if the application is approved.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your mailing address?

2131 Auburn Avenue, Atco NJ 08004

Who do I make my check or money order payable to?

Waterford Township Municipal Court

Should I include my summons or complaint number on my check or money order?

Yes, please include your summons or complaint number to insure you receive credit for your payment. If you would like a receipt, please enclose a self addressed stamped envelope.

Do you accept credit cards as a form of payment?

Credit cards are only accepted when paying online or in person at the Court Office. Credit cards are not an accepted form of payment when posting bail.

What if my ticket is not paid by the date that appears at the bottom of the ticket? (Located on the ticket where it says notice to appear)

If your ticket is not paid by the due date, there will be a $10.00 late fee added.

My ticket is not marked court appearance required, how do I know if I should appear?

If your ticket is not marked court appearance required then most likely you do not need to appear, however if your ticket is not marked court appearance required and is a more serious violation then you should call the court to determine whether you should appear or not.

Are my fines due in full?

All fines are due in full. If you appear in court you will be expected to pay all fines on that date.

I do not have transportation to come to court.

We do not provide transportation, so if you need transportation you must make arrangements before your court date, we will not postpone your court date due to transportation issues. There is public transportation that runs along the White Horse Pike (US 30) which is one block from our building.

What do I do when I get to Waterford Court?

Go to the court window to check in. You will receive a number to speak to the prosecutor.

How do I contest a ticket(s)?

If you want to plea not  guilty and want a court date please go to and follow instructions below or email us at  westamptoncourt@gmail.

***If you received more than one (1) ticket you must dispute all of them separately and you can only dispute a ticket 1 time through this process. (There are a lot of steps but it’s easier than it looks)

  1. Click on TRAFFIC TICKET
  2. Enter information and click SEARCH *Please note: Prefix is NOT Ms. Mrs. Mr. (Example. E20, SP5, WT etc.)
  3. Click on Dispute Case in sentence (2) Note: If the ticket does not meet the criteria to be disputed, the Dispute Case link will not display and you will have to contact the court.
  4. Enter your username or create an account
  5. Click on the Municipal Case Resolution tab on the top left of the screen
  6. Click on Create Dispute Case
  7. Enter ticket information again and click search
  8. Verify all information and click next
  9. Click to certify the terms of the plea agreement
  10. Choose the Reason for Dispute and enter the facts in the comment field.
  11. Click next
  12. Click the box next to the certification statement
  13. Upload any documents if applicable
  14. Click submit

This will send your dispute to the Prosecutor for his review. Once reviewed an email notification will be sent to you. (follow steps below)

  1. Click on the link in the email and it will bring you back to the original screen that you used to initiate the Dispute.
  2. Click on my work link on the top right of screen and the worklist will display.
  3. Click on open
  4. Click on I accept or I reject the recommendation then click submit. If you accept this will be sent to the Judge for final disposition and you will receive an email when final disposition is entered. If you reject reject the recommendation, an email notification will be sent to you that you pay the original offense.
Can I pay my ticket online?

To pay your ticket online go to

2131 Auburn Avenue
Atco, NJ 08004
Phone: (856) 768-2300
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Quick Links & Information

2nd Wednesday of every month @ 7:00 p.m.

Camden County Logo link to website

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