Public Works

The Department of Public Works is responsible for overseeing, maintaining and providing services for the residents of Waterford Township.
- Curbside Automated Solid Waste and Recycling
- Brush and White Goods/Metal Collection
- Seasonal Vacuuming of Leaves
- Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds
- Municipal Road Repair
- Municipal Water and Sewer
Municipal Water and Sewer This includes approximately 100 miles of roadway repairs, leaf collection, emergency work, athletic fields, parks, playgrounds, snow removal and maintenance of drainage systems and water and sewer operations. Public works is working or on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year, in efforts to ensure our municipality has safe roads, facilities and efficient services.
2131 Auburn Avenue
Atco, New Jersey 08004
Monday – Friday : 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Phone: (856) 768-2300, Ext. 220

In accordance with the requirements of New Jersey’s Lead Service Line Replacement Bill (NJ Bill A5343/S3398), the attached document identifies the locations and composition of all of the service lines within our water system.
Important Information & Links
Camden County Department of Public Works may be reached by calling them directly at 856-566-2980.
Residents may find more information at the Camden County Website and apply it to your project.
Oil based paints, pesticides, fertilizers, solvents, automotive product, etc. will not be accepted with your regular trash collection nor will the Township accept it.
For information on how to dispose of these materials please contact: Camden County Division of Solid Waste Management at
(856) 858-5241.
Metal/white goods are picked up every Tuesday.
You must call 856-768-2300 ext. 220 by 3:00 PM Monday to be put on the schedule.
The goal of the Water and Sewer Department is to provide our residents with the highest quality water resource which meets all State and Federal Requirements. We are also committed in providing outstanding service in a professional, courteous, and timely manner throughout the community, in the field, and our offices, with dignity and respect given to each customer’s request. We ask that everyone joins us in protecting our natural water resource, which is the heart and soul of our community
flushing disposal wipes, diapers feminine products and paper towels plug sewer lines. Cleaning wipes, sanitary wipes, paper towels, feminine products are designed to function when wet. These products normally do not break down in sewers and consequently
plug sewer lines and mains. Avoid sewer backups by throwing these items in the trash. DO NOT throw them in the toilet.
Twice a year, during the Spring and Fall, the Utility Department flushes all of the hydrants throughout town. During and following flushing of the hydrants, residents may experience a temporary interruption of their service and/or discoloring of their water. Residents should simply run the faucet for approximately 30 seconds until the discoloration is gone. Residents will be notified prior to the flushing of the hydrants
Residents may contact the Public Works Department at 856-767-2359 to report a Pot Hole on a township road.
Pot Holes on County Roads may be reported directly to the County Public Works at 856-566-2980.
A list of County Roads is below:
- Hendricks Avenue – White Horse Pike to Old White Horse Pike
- Ohio Avenue – White Horse Pike to Old White Horse Pike
- Pennington Avenue – Rail Road to Old White Horse Pike
- Vineyard Road – White Horse Pike to Winslow Township Line
- Atco Avenue – Winslow Township line to Jackson Road
- Raritan Avenue – Cooper Road to Tremont Avenue
- Tremont Avenue – Jackson Road to Raritan Avenue
- Third Street – Jackson Road to Maple Avenue
- Cooper Road – Raritan Avenue to Jackson Road
- Old White Horse Pike – Entire length through township
- E. Atlantic Ave – Bartram Avenue to Old White Horse Pike
- S. Taunton / Hopewell Road – Entire length through township
- Chew Road – Entire length through township
- Cooper Folly Road – Winslow Township line to White Horse Pike
- Bartram Avenue – White Horse Pike to Raritan Avenue
If you notice a street light out in your area you can contact Atlantic City Electric. Please have the pole number ready if possible to make it easier for them to locate the pole.
The Convenience Center is open to Waterford Township Residents on Saturday’s ONLY from 8am to 12pm. The Center is for residents wishing to dispose of Bulk Trash, prior to their monthly curbside collection of bulky waste.
Residents are limited to six (6) visits to the Convenience Center annually. Residents are required to obtain a FREE permit to have access to the Convenience Center and must present the permit prior to being permitted to dispose of bulky waste items. Permits are available at Town Hall. Waterford Township reserves the right to deny the dumping of any bulk items that appear to not be in compliance with program guidelines.
- Items being disposed of at the Convenience Center should be ready for separation disposal in labeled dumpsters prior to arriving on site.
- Large Quantities of Construction Debris will not be accepted. Residents remodeling large areas of their homes are required to secure their own dumpsters.
- Complete Basement / Garage / Home Cleanouts will not be accepted. Those types of cleanouts
require residents to secure their own dumpsters.
Waterford Township reserves the right to deny access to the Convenience Center or decline acceptance of items not in compliance
Waterford Township Public Works
790 Burnt Mill Road
Atco, New Jersey 08004
2131 Auburn Avenue
Atco, NJ 08004
Phone: (856) 768-2300
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.