New Jersey continues to roll out the COVID-19 vaccines in a phased approach to all adults who live, work, or are being educated in the State. Below, please find links to a few of the major vaccine registration sites in Camden, Gloucester, and Burlington counties.

Vaccinating the State will take patience and time, as vaccination appointments depend on the number of vaccine doses that New Jersey receives each week and the number of frontline workers available to administer shots.

To receive updates from Congressman Norcross’s office on the vaccine rollout, make sure you are subscribed to his newsletter.

Vaccine Resources

  • For information on vaccines for veterans, click here.
  • To view all of the vaccine locations in New Jersey, click here.
  • For more information on the vaccine roll-out phases, and to see what phase you are in, click here.
  • To learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines and New Jersey’s vaccination plans, click here.
  • For additional information from New Jersey Department of Health on COVID-19 vaccination, click here.
  • For additional COVID-19 related resources, please visit my office’s vaccine information page and COVID resource page.

While the distribution of the vaccine continues to provide us hope, we must remember this is a marathon, not a sprint, and now is not the time to let up in our efforts to slow the spread of this deadly virus. Remember to continue to follow the 3 W’s: watch your distance, wear a mask and wash your hands.

2131 Auburn Avenue
Atco, NJ 08004
Phone: (856) 768-2300
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Quick Links & Information

2nd Wednesday of every month @ 7:00 p.m.

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