Information for Veterans
WATERFORD TOWNSHIP is pleased to provide this website page for the benefit of the Veterans of our Township. Below you will find several links for various organizations and entities established to aid veterans, as well as a list of those businesses which offer discounts for veterans.
Robert Doney, Waterford Township Committee Veteran’s Liaison, will also be available to discuss any problems Veterans are experiencing with the Township or any other problem where special assistance is needed. If you need to contact Mr. Doney, please reach out to
The Camden County Office of Veteran’s maintains its own webpage with numerous links to services and information for veterans. It can be reached at
For information regarding certain rebates/exemptions for eligible veterans see https// The page contains information regarding property tax benefits, income tax and sales tax benefits.
Certain businesses provide discounts to veterans. A list of such nationwide businesses can be found at
The American Legion sponsors a walk-a-thon each November to benefit veterans. For more information contact Jaki Fanelli at
The Catch a Lift Fund provides fitness for Veterans. You can reach their website at
We will be reaching out to local businesses to see if any would be willing to offer a discount to our Township veterans. If anyone owning a business would like to offer such a discount, please reach out to
Additionally, the Veterans Liaison office wants to establish a volunteer program made up of members of the community who are willing to help veterans in need with certain tasks they may not be able to do themselves. Yard work, snow removal, grocery shopping etc. If you are willing to volunteer your time and service, please reach out to so we can create bank of volunteers.
The Township would also like to remind our veterans that the County has approved a combat wounded parking sign on Atco Avenue in front of the American Legion.
To all our Veterans, we extend a heartfelt thank you for your sacrifice and service.